
The sarcastic view of a teenager-soon-to-be-woman who truly believes that the world gets stupider by the minute.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

My day in the hair salon

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sheba.
She entered Salon X for a digital perm.
The moment the hairdresser touched her hair (he was a thin man wearing an over tight shirt and over tight jeans), he announced to the whole salon in the manner of a scientist who had just discovered a cure for cancer.

Scandalised, she glared at him for an explanation. “You cannot use this perm,” he continued. “You must use this ISO perm”
Not knowing the difference and since he claimed that it would have the exact same results, the-girl-named-Sheba-who-only-wanted-a-digital-perm agreed.
To cut a long story short, after 3 hours of reading outdated celebrity magazines and trying to ignore the bulge that comes with male hairdressers wearing too tight jeans, the-girl-named-Sheba-who-only-wanted-a-digital-perm-but-was-coerced-to-having-an-ISO-perm-instead ended up looking like this:

A picture of me in the salon and the lower half of the hairdresser. (btw, I personally think that my hair now bears resemblance to a lion’s mane.)
As such, the-girl-named-Sheba-who-now-looks-like-a-lion-and-possibly-like-a-brunette-version-of-Chad-Kroeger-minus-the-beard is putting all dates or encounters with good looking members of the opposite sex on hold until her hair tames down.
Oh, and if you are a member of the opposite sex and you see me with lion-like hair, well.. you know that I think you’re not good looking. :p
Merry Christmas all!


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