The Make Sheba a Princess Project
The Make Sheba A Princess Project
10 easy steps to make Sheba a Princess
Introduction: Fueled with fantasies of watching countless Disney cartoons with princesses in them, Sheba has come up with a simple way to become a princess in just 10 easy steps! Aided by the Anti Fuckwit Club, it is now possible for Sheba to become Princess Sheba in no more or no less than 10 easy steps!
1. Find a Prince
. This should be easy enough as there are countless princes out there. However, the closer the Prince is to the throne or the more good looking he is, the more difficult it is to perform step 2.
2. Flirt with Prince
. This should be easy enough to understand. It is CRUCIAL for Prince to respond to this step to go on to step 3. One must be willing to put up with Prince’s fuckwittage during the duration of the flirting. This can be made possible by meditating on 7 simple words: I, Am, Going, To, Be, A, Princess.
3. Fuck with Prince
. This can be as easy as spreading one’s legs open. However, one must also try to emphasise the “You-love-the-Prince-but-not-to-the-extent-that-it-creeps-him” feeling during lovemaking.
4. Fuck again with Prince
. Credible performance of Step 3 leads to Step 4 where again, Step 3 is repeated. The objective of Step 4 is to gain the Prince’s trust in order that he will fuck you again
5. Poke holes in condom before fucking with Prince
. Can be done by using a needle, a pin or by just tearing the teat of the condom off.
6. THEN fuck with Prince again
. This time, use condom with hole in it.
7. Tell Prince “Oops. I’m preggers”
. Must be done with big doe eyes and an I-am-so-innocent look
8. Tell Prince “Must marry me or will go tell papers”
. Utmost caution must be taken during this step to avoid being shot in the head twice, strapped with explosives and blown up all over Puncak Alam.
9. Marry Prince and Live Happily Ever after.
10. Declare Members of the Anti Fuckwit Club Datuks or Lords or Counts or whatever…
Fine print: Must be abstinent from sex with anyone but Prince during flow of chart in order for this to work.
Like This? You too can have a personalized “Make (insert name here) a Princess” Chart by just messaging me on Friendster. All this for a mere RM29.95! But wait! If you order now, I will even print out and personally autograph your own chart! What are you waiting for?
10 easy steps to make Sheba a Princess
Introduction: Fueled with fantasies of watching countless Disney cartoons with princesses in them, Sheba has come up with a simple way to become a princess in just 10 easy steps! Aided by the Anti Fuckwit Club, it is now possible for Sheba to become Princess Sheba in no more or no less than 10 easy steps!
1. Find a Prince
. This should be easy enough as there are countless princes out there. However, the closer the Prince is to the throne or the more good looking he is, the more difficult it is to perform step 2.
2. Flirt with Prince
. This should be easy enough to understand. It is CRUCIAL for Prince to respond to this step to go on to step 3. One must be willing to put up with Prince’s fuckwittage during the duration of the flirting. This can be made possible by meditating on 7 simple words: I, Am, Going, To, Be, A, Princess.
3. Fuck with Prince
. This can be as easy as spreading one’s legs open. However, one must also try to emphasise the “You-love-the-Prince-but-not-to-the-extent-that-it-creeps-him” feeling during lovemaking.
4. Fuck again with Prince
. Credible performance of Step 3 leads to Step 4 where again, Step 3 is repeated. The objective of Step 4 is to gain the Prince’s trust in order that he will fuck you again
5. Poke holes in condom before fucking with Prince
. Can be done by using a needle, a pin or by just tearing the teat of the condom off.
6. THEN fuck with Prince again
. This time, use condom with hole in it.
7. Tell Prince “Oops. I’m preggers”
. Must be done with big doe eyes and an I-am-so-innocent look
8. Tell Prince “Must marry me or will go tell papers”
. Utmost caution must be taken during this step to avoid being shot in the head twice, strapped with explosives and blown up all over Puncak Alam.
9. Marry Prince and Live Happily Ever after.
10. Declare Members of the Anti Fuckwit Club Datuks or Lords or Counts or whatever…
Fine print: Must be abstinent from sex with anyone but Prince during flow of chart in order for this to work.
Like This? You too can have a personalized “Make (insert name here) a Princess” Chart by just messaging me on Friendster. All this for a mere RM29.95! But wait! If you order now, I will even print out and personally autograph your own chart! What are you waiting for?
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