
The sarcastic view of a teenager-soon-to-be-woman who truly believes that the world gets stupider by the minute.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Fuckwittage: A definition

I shall begin my rant with a question. What is a fuckwit?

I came across this word first in Bridget Jones’s Diary (THE book that changed my view on life) and it made me wonder what a fuckwit truly is.

In BJD, a fuckwit is someone who commits fuckwittage. Not expressly defined in the book, I perceive fuckwittage to mean the toying of one’s emotions.

Examples of fuckwittage:
Having a partner/spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend and cheats on him/her. (E.g. Enough said)
Giving a person hope and then letting him/her down. (E.g. Promising to call and does not do so.)
As such, a fuckwit is one who commits the above, whether willingly or non willingly.

Aragorn in the Lord of The Rings who obviously was fuckwitting with Eowyn even though he already had a fiancee.
(Note the near holding of hands between them!)

According to the very enlightening (and repetitive) book “He’s Just Not That Into You”, a person who commits fuckwittage is a person who is just not that into you. I find this view rather wrong.

Being a girl, I have been victim many a time to fuckwittage and have observed how it happens. I too have also been guilty of being a fuckwit as well.

Sometimes, fuckwittage is unavoidable (like when one truly forgets to call).

Sadly, fuckwittage can also be intentional (e.g. when one neglects to call because he just doesn’t feel like it). The line between intentional fuckwittage and unavoidable fuckwittage is sometimes so fine that the lines blur and all one can see is the fuckwittage and not the excuse behind it.

Victims of fuckwittage are often rather pathetic. A victim may stay up the entire night waiting for a phone call or an sms from a fuckwit who promised to do so just to realize that he/she will not do so. Though feeling very much cheated, the fuckwittage victim will continue this sad behaviour until he/she finally comes to his/her senses.

There is no other way to entirely stop fuckwittage unless one detaches himself/herself from the fuckwit. This requires immense willpower and strength and moral support from friends.

In essence, the victim of fuckwittage knows deep down that he/she MUST detach from the fuckwit and yet he/she tries his best to deny that fact. This is where friends of the victim MUST step in to help the victim see the plain truth. One has to remember that the victim sees the fuckwit through rose coloured glasses and that there is ALWAYS a good reason to justify the fuckwit’s behaviour.

In my personal view, occasional fuckwits may possibly be forgivable (as I am one myself). However, should his/her fuckwittage continue and escalates to such a peak that it is unacceptable (this varies according to the victim), he/she will be termed a serial fuckwit and this is truly an unforgivable sin.

God Save The Fuckwits.


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