
The sarcastic view of a teenager-soon-to-be-woman who truly believes that the world gets stupider by the minute.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Driving Licenses Size XXL

We've all heard about enlargened cheques but enlargened driving licences????

Although admittedly proud of the fact that these senior citizens are able to obtain their P licences at such an age, I wouldn't like to be in their shoes. And I can think of 2 good reasons which are:

1. Everyone looks bad in driving licence pictures. It's a fact of life. Even I do. (refer to picture below) So why would u want your unattractive face to be enlarged?

(Warning:The photo has been untampered and un-Photoshopped. Viewing of it may result in extreme turn-offness. )

2. You wouldn't be able to fit those large licences into your wallet. Of course, that'll be a very good excuse when the Policeman/JPJ officer apprehends you for not carrying your licence.
You: Sorry, Datuk, I tak bawak lesen I.
Datuk: Kenapa?
You: License I terlalu besarlah Datuk.. I bawak Kelisa ni, mana cukup nak bawak?
Thank goodness real driving licences aren't that big.

Afterthought: We know that those large driving licences are not real. The JPJ knows that as well. But do those poor innocent unsuspecting tax-paying senior citizens know that? :p


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