Driving Licenses Size XXL
Although admittedly proud of the fact that these senior citizens are able to obtain their P licences at such an age, I wouldn't like to be in their shoes. And I can think of 2 good reasons which are:
1. Everyone looks bad in driving licence pictures. It's a fact of life. Even I do. (refer to picture below) So why would u want your unattractive face to be enlarged?
(Warning:The photo has been untampered and un-Photoshopped. Viewing of it may result in extreme turn-offness. )
2. You wouldn't be able to fit those large licences into your wallet. Of course, that'll be a very good excuse when the Policeman/JPJ officer apprehends you for not carrying your licence.
You: Sorry, Datuk, I tak bawak lesen I.
Datuk: Kenapa?
You: License I terlalu besarlah Datuk.. I bawak Kelisa ni, mana cukup nak bawak?
Thank goodness real driving licences aren't that big.
Afterthought: We know that those large driving licences are not real. The JPJ knows that as well. But do those poor innocent unsuspecting tax-paying senior citizens know that? :p
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